Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Years Resolution 2012: Failed or Achieved?

     Well it is now half way through the first month of this year. The hype of the new year is now drained, and the hangovers long gone. As with every new year comes and goes a tradition that is more of a promise than a tradition. I say tradition, because we all do this on the last 5 minutes before the new year starts. Our New Years Resolution , or the plans and goals we make to start and finish this year. Granted I have made a few myself and have made zero progress with.
     As people, we do this to not only set up goals, but theoretically a finish line in which we all want to cross. This last year may not have been every bodies BEST year considering economic changes and the long down slope society is sliding towards. Most people make goals that are unrealistic to there own lives, but not all resolutions are not achievable. There are those that will sit on there hands all year long waiting for those goals to come to them, but that's not how it works.
      If you want to make a change, and if you want to progress, to make this year the most OUTSTANDING year of your life. You cannot, and I emphasis cannot let chance slip through your fingertips. Sometimes you will have to go outside your comfort zone, or even take different job prospects that pertain to that goal. Maybe its not a physical goal, and you just want to be content and happy in life, or have a new relationship. Whatever your endeavor be, I wish you the best of luck, and remember, anything worth having in life, doesn't come easy.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein

     Then again, who am I to tell you how to run your New Year? 
     This is just Food for Thought :)


      I'm curious to know how many people out there are close to achieving there New Years Resolution? How many have already done that or are just stalled at the moment? Feel free to leave feedback and comments.
                              Criticism Welcome! :)

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