Friday, July 20, 2012

Computer Failure! What do you do now?

     OK folks, so your computer has died, no more restarts, no more logging, no more functioning parts that keep your eyes glued to the screen for hours on end. Obviously this has happened to a few of us at one point or time, and to some of us, way to many. This is usually where I would throw in some quirky remarks or just state the fact that if your reading this, your computer is obviously functioning the way it suppose to.
     Well I'll just get to the point, about a week and a half  ago I awoke to the sound of my computer making its last gasp of electricity while screaming for its motherboard. I half asleep and groggy stumbled over some shoes to see the blue screen of death pop up. As I hit the power button to force a restart it would cease to complete computer failure.

( 5 years of video editing projects, countless pages of written articles, unpublished and unfinished writing projects, Indie- photo editing and graphic designs, and many other things. All flushed down the digital drain )

     So for the last week I have been going through a computer withdrawal. As like many of you have probably experienced, is that lack of mouse clicking, facebook updating, and for me, writing. Its a funny and yet an awkward feeling, because it sometimes disrupt your usual routine of the day. If you have not experienced it before, but we all seem to do it everyday at a certain time in the day. When it is suddenly ripped away from you , its like throwing a wrench into your daily routine or walking backwards. For me, its my way of expressing how I feel and then expressing and portraying my thoughts to you the reader.

     How have you the reader, and experienced computer assassin dealt with, and felt after having a PC/MAC die on you?
How did it effect you the day afterwards?  ( Feel free to comment or write me through google+ )

     My 2 Cents
      Honestly, If  you have had a computer for over 6 years and been through some serious use. Its probably time to get a new one lol. As always and from hands on experience this was