Sunday, January 22, 2012

SOPA Bill, is it leaving a bitter taste?

     Whether or not the bill passes, has the damage already been done? Do you people feel the ripples in the water that this rock has left?

     Alright here is just a brief explanation of the Bill that those have not yet read up on.

     The SOPA Act also known as the Stop Online Privacy Piracy Act [SOPA] is a United States bill proposed to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. It would also include the barring of advertising sites and payment sites from doing business with websites that include copyrighted content. Also it would severely cripple search engines due to the fact copyright content is on almost every website EVERYWHERE. The Bill would then force those search engines to block the [ISP] Internet Service Providers or websites that have copyright content.

     Honestly, You could argue back and forth, for or against this Bill. Either place your money on the fact that it might cut down on Internet theft and cyber crime, maybe. You could also place your bet on that this is just a way of tightening the noose around the necks of everyone who surfs the web or uploads content by any means. In theory its a way of policing the Internet. I would rather not get into it, but that basically sums it up.

     What I don't think most people see is the after effects. Whether or not it passes, the damage is already done. In a way it caries the same effects as the morning after binge drinking. No matter what you do at this point, the sour bitter taste is still left in your mouth. I believe it is a wrong idea to pass this, It goes against everything the US stands for; freedom of press, freedom of speech, and just what the Internet represents, pure freedom. The Internet, or the worldwide web Is exactly what it means. A web, in which we ALL are connected through. Its what brings us all together from different nations to chat or play games regardless of our nations politics.
          So what is the point of having ties, if all we ever do is try to sever them. . .

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success  - Henry Ford

         Or maybe I'm just writing nonsense, Who am I to tell you to what to believe?
           This is just Food for Thought :)

            Feel free to voice your opinion's in the comment section
            Criticism Welcome :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Years Resolution 2012: Failed or Achieved?

     Well it is now half way through the first month of this year. The hype of the new year is now drained, and the hangovers long gone. As with every new year comes and goes a tradition that is more of a promise than a tradition. I say tradition, because we all do this on the last 5 minutes before the new year starts. Our New Years Resolution , or the plans and goals we make to start and finish this year. Granted I have made a few myself and have made zero progress with.
     As people, we do this to not only set up goals, but theoretically a finish line in which we all want to cross. This last year may not have been every bodies BEST year considering economic changes and the long down slope society is sliding towards. Most people make goals that are unrealistic to there own lives, but not all resolutions are not achievable. There are those that will sit on there hands all year long waiting for those goals to come to them, but that's not how it works.
      If you want to make a change, and if you want to progress, to make this year the most OUTSTANDING year of your life. You cannot, and I emphasis cannot let chance slip through your fingertips. Sometimes you will have to go outside your comfort zone, or even take different job prospects that pertain to that goal. Maybe its not a physical goal, and you just want to be content and happy in life, or have a new relationship. Whatever your endeavor be, I wish you the best of luck, and remember, anything worth having in life, doesn't come easy.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein

     Then again, who am I to tell you how to run your New Year? 
     This is just Food for Thought :)


      I'm curious to know how many people out there are close to achieving there New Years Resolution? How many have already done that or are just stalled at the moment? Feel free to leave feedback and comments.
                              Criticism Welcome! :)